Module 1 - Introduction


All materials and contents are owned and licensed by Karen Ashton of Holistic Therapies Training. Any copying, adaption or use of any material without written permission of Holistic Therapies Training is strictly prohibited. Diagrams / images / text, unless stated otherwise, are learning resources provided by Holistic Therapies Training. Any copying, adaption or use of any material belonging to Holistic Therapies Training without written permission is strictly prohibited. 


Holistic Therapies Training will accept no liability to any person for any type of loss, damage whatsoever resulting from the use of the material within this manual or any course held by Holistic Therapies Training.

Medical Disclaimer

It is strongly advised that you take medical advice if you or any of your clients have a health problem. Holistic Therapies Training or any qualification from Holistic Therapies Training will not qualify you to advise on any medical condition or to diagnose a condition. Alternative health care should not be taken as a substitute for any medical care.

Training Criteria

The course content is written, where possible, in line with VRQ / international standards regardless of the level of qualification. You may receive a number of modules to make up the criteria required to gain the correct amount of knowledge in this subject.


It is the student’s sole responsibility to ensure they receive the correct training, sufficient for their needs and for insurance purposes. It is strongly recommended that the student progresses with further reading in addition to the training material provided and receive further practical training where applicable.  

Welcome to Holistic Therapies Training Academy.pdf

Welcome to the pre-blended aromatherapy massage 1 day practical attendance course.

This qualification will develop your knowledge and understanding of using pre-blended aromatherapy oils in a massage selected to suit clients objectives.

On completion of the course and submission of your case studies, you will be awarded an accredited Holistic Therapies Training Diploma.

Throughout some of the modules, you will come across this image, where it will ask you to complete a task.

This is a good practice task to get your business working in an optimal professional way! You do not need to send it to us, but are there to give you some tips and ways to improve on your working practices and to prepare you for completing your case studies.

Further reading:


Karen Ashton, Founder of Holistic Therapies Training, has published her first book ‘The Essential Oils Guide’. Available in Paperback or Kindle edition. Click on the links below to view details or to purchase a book -

Paperback Book

Kindle Book


An A – Z of essential oils packed full of essential oils for ailments, tips and useful information. Suitable for home use or for therapists who are qualified or in training. The book covers 36 oils and covers the criteria required to complete VTCT level 3 Aromatherapy qualification. The book covers therapeutic properties of the oils for the emotions and physical ailments of the body, listed by body system. It is full of tips, useful charts, glossary, the classification of notes for each oil, blending ratio chart, chemical constituents, various ways to use the oils, what to look for when purchasing essential oils, safety guidelines and more. This book is not a book of recipes or suggested blends but it does contain some tips and suggestions on how to select oils for your own blends or to use the oils singly. The book does, however, contain some suggested blends that have been used by the author for some ailments. Each of the oils are listed alphabetically and contain useful information about their aroma, their note, plant name & family, extraction method, its main chemical constituent, properties, physical benefits (listed by body system type) & emotional benefits; & for all level 3 aromatherapy students, it lists the objective of the oil to help you select oils for your case studies (i.e., relaxation, balancing, uplift/stimulate & stress relief.)

Here’s what people are saying about the book so far . . . . .

“It is exactly how i would want an aromatherapy book to be set out”

“I love this book”

“I read the sample book first and was so impressed. It was easy to read and simple to understand”

“This book is great for learning all about the essential oils and blending for Aromatherapy massage treatments or other uses. There is lots of tips and useful information about which oils provide the best results. Would highly recommend” Amazon 5* review

“Great book I would definitely recommend , very easy to read , I’m a qualified aromatherapist & I often buy new books just to see how they written & to add extras to my collection, this book is very well set out with a good explanation of each oil & there uses , definitely worth a read 👍” Amazon 5* review

“This book is fantastic, it is really helpful as I’m still learning about the essential oils and it tells you everything you need to know. I would definitely recommend.” Amazon 5* review


Karen is a fully qualified beauty and holistic therapist, assessor, verifier and teacher. She has many therapies ‘under her belt’ and is very passionate about her work.  Karen has run her own therapy business since 2003 and professional training school since 2007. Writing has always been a passion of hers and wrote all the training manuals for her beauty & massage school, Holistic Therapies Training. She has also written E-books and this is her first, hopefully of many, published books.


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